These thematic pages provide general information. Through hyperlinks, they guide you to more specific content on other Qu bec government sites or private sites in Qu bec. In short, a true tool for learning.
With its rich history, Quebec is a delightful blend of the New World and the Old. The Quebecois are a warm and friendly people, full of energy and creativity to match their vast surroundings, and proudly attached to the language and culture that make them unique in so many ways. Big-city sights, country resorts, sweet exhilaration or complete relaxation-no matter what your pleasure, you're sure to find it in Quebec.
Ministere de l'Education. Je reussis, tu reussis, nous reussissons.
Quebec Accommodation and Lodging, Hotels, Motels, Inns, BBs, Cottages and campings ...
Veuillez prendre note que nous sommes effectuer d'importantes modifications sur le visuel de notre site. Commission de toponymie du Quebec Pour acceder notre site Banque de noms de lieux Division francophone du Groupe d'experts des Nations Unies Gouvernement du Quebec, 1999-2002 ...
Le Port de Qu bec: profondeur d eau de 15, 5 m tres, intermodalit compl te, plus de 15 millions de tonnes de marchandises manutentionn es chaque ann e, plus court temps de transit entre le coeur de l Am rique et les march s de l Atlantique Nord, de la M diterran e et du Moyen-Orient.
Presentation de l'entreprise, Reseau Internet Quebec (R.I.Q.) est une entreprise de services techniques dont l'objectif premier est de fournir aux professionnels une presence sur le reseau international Internet. Elle ouvre la porte aux personnes voulant tisser des liens a` l'aide de ce reseau, sans se preoccuper des tracas techniques.
Laboratoire de sciences judiciaires et de medecine legale Aujourd'hui, le 12 juin 2002 Recherche En texte libre Aide la navigation Vous n'avez pas trouve Envoyez un ami Cyberbulletin Resume du plan strategique du Ministere Medecine legale - France Medecine legale - Ontario Nos documents les plus consultes Raccourcis L'historique du Laboratoire Normes gouvernementales de certification ...
Quebec Writers' Federation Welcome to the QWF Website The Quebec Writers' Federation came into existence in 1998 following a union of the activities of QSPELL (Quebec Society for the Promotion of English Language Literature) and FEWQ (Federation of English Writers of Quebec). You are welcome to send comments and information via email to: Qwf 1200, avenue Atwater, Montreal, Quebec H3Z 1X4 Tel.: ...
Toastmasters District 61, a branch of Toastmasters International with clubs in: Eastern Ontario, Quebec and Northern New York. We provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every member has the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills.
Speaq 2002 SPEAQ OUT Intensive English as a Second Language : Implementation Guide MEQ ~RCCPALS ~SPEAQ en francais Programmes d'etudes 2001 Elementary ESL program: Internet reference: Reform resources in ESL SPEAQ Campus 2000 Rascals Teasig CALLinQ SPEAQ UP SPEAQ 2002 24-25-26 octobre H tel Hilton, Quebec October 24-25-26 Hotel Hilton, Quebec City Congres / Convention 30 ans ca se f te !
Situe a Montreal, l'INIS offre une formation professionnelle en scenarisation, en realisation et en production, tant pour la television que le cinema. De plus, il propose un programme en nouveaux medias.
A hospitable region with magnificent scenery that captivates painters, poets, writers and visitors; Charlevoix combines in perfect harmony, the duality of nature and farming.
Allows searching tourist resources for any of Quebec's 19 regions; accommodations, restaurants, night clubs, etc.
Welcome to the Northlander, your guide to the Laurentides.