The Paideia Project: Proceedings of the 20th World Congress of Philosophy. Includes the Paideia Archive, with the full text of the over 1, 000 contributed papers at the August, 1998 Congress.
The New York Mills Regional Cultural Center's Great American Think-Off Contest.
Home Registration Schedule Abstracts Call for Papers Hospitality Archives Keynote Speaker Greetings and welcome to the website of the 4th Annual Graduate Student Philosophy Conference, to be held September 27-28, 2002 on the campus of Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan. We are pleased to announce that Dr. Sandra Harding will be our keynote speaker. Our call for papers will be ...
ICal Web Calendar Server by Brown Bear Software ...
1999 Hume Conference University College, Cork July 19-23, 1999 Conference Co-Directors: Stephen Darwall (University of Michigan, USA) Desmond Clarke (University College Cork, Ireland) with the assistance of Garrett Barden (University College Cork, Ireland) The 26th Hume Conference of the David Hume Society will be held July 19-23, 1999 at University College, Cork . The conference's theme will be ...
Seminar on Phenomenology and Hermeneutics The Seminar on Phenomenology and Hermeneutics is an outgrowth of a group which began in 1996 on the initiative of Dr. Pol Vandevelde and Dr. John Meech in order to read and discuss the works of Edmund Husserl, the founder of phenomenology. The group, which continues to investigate central texts in phenomenology and hermeneutics, has also provided a forum ...