In each issue of h2so4, a thinker of our Western tradition tackles your workaday concerns. Advice from Martin Heidegger, Thomas Hobbes, Socrates, Sigmund Freud, Hannah Arendt, Rene Descartes, Marice Merleau-Ponty, and Friedrich Nietzsche.
Hypocrisy, sociopaths, sarcasm, irony, humor, politics ...
A Website for Disgruntled Idealists, Stressed-Out Captives of Corporate Life, "Dilbert" Fans, Liberal Artists, Scalawags and Curmudgeons, Literate Cyberpunks, Budding Satirists, Ill-Humored Humorists, and the Politically Incorrect.
Featuring FULL-LENGTH MUSIC AND VOCAL MP3s--and Karaoke!! Click for Songs Table All song lyrics 2002 V. Alan White, Professor of Philosophy, University of Wisconsin Colleges 7. 11 Whereof one cannot sing, thereof one must be silent. --L. Wittlessung, Tractortrailus Illogico-Philosophicows The following parodies are offered in the hope that philosophers, while deservedly known for serious ...
Tissues in the Profession: CAN BAD MEN MAKE GOOD BRAINS DO BAD THINGS Michael F. Patton, Jr. Syracuse University Consider the following case: On Twin Earth, a brain in a vat is at the wheel of a runaway trolley. There are only two options that the brain can take: the right side of the fork in the track or the left side of the fork. There is no way in sight of derailing or stopping the trolley ...
Who Wants to be a Philosopher Nothing down the job centre for philosophers again Want to sound smart Then, enter Who Wants to be a Philosopher See how much kudos you can collect and be the first on your block to unlock the metaphysical mysteries of life. Remember, if you get stuck, you have 3 choices:Ask The Auditorium; L/L and Phone a Philosopher 1, 000, 000 kudos 500, 000 250, 000 125, 000 ...
The wild side of philosophy ...
Fish on a Bike Home Page ...
This site is about What We Know.
Philosophy Purity Test Check all boxes for which your answer is yes . Then click the left button to be evaluated by online ethicists. Have you ever had lunch with a philosophy faculty member had lunch with a philosophy faculty member past 1 PM had a lunch with a philosophy faculty member that led to heated debate debated a stranger engaged in debate with 2 or more people in the same day at ...