- The Kentucky Horse Park is a thousand and thirty acre educational theme park. It was created to honor the animal whose name has become synonymous with the Bluegrass. Visitors are greeted by the bronze statue marking the grave of the legendary Man o' War. In the Visitor Center, they are introduced to the fascinating world of the horse with the spectacular film Thou Shalt Fly Without Wings. After ...imh.org
- This site presents an overview of human-horse interaction, with an emphasis on how the use of horses has affected the course of history. It is intended for the horse lover, historian, and anyone else curious to know about this remarkable, adaptable animal that has been such a pivotal factor in civilization.users.erols.com/mmaidens
- Who2 - The fastest way to find famous people online. For each famous person we offer the simple data you're most likely looking for: birth and death dates, most famous works, odd or famous trivia...www.who2.com/sevenhorses.html