Abbey well natural mineral water, the perfect cpmplement to good food and wine, drink abbey well anytime, lunch, dinner, during exercise or for pure refreshment anytime, abbey well is sold by all the best hotels, restaurants, pubs, canteens and cafeterias and forcourts and sandwich bars, and is supplied by all the major foodservices, independent wholesale, brewery and dairies, the latter also ...
Welcome to Teesdale Trencherman, suppliers of gourmet foods and hampers. Locally and internationally Selected Fine Foods from the North of England. Along with produce from our own smokery, we can offer a range of products carefully selected worldwide. Old favourites such as Griottines, Roulade de Foie Gras de Canard, and the Potted Shrimps have been retained by popular demand. As usual we have a ...
Ebac UK Ebac, le leader europeen des fontaines eau. Ebac s'est forge une reputation en tant que fabricant de fontaines eau parmi les plus innovatrices et les plus avancees du point de vue technologique au sein de l'industrie. EasyCooler est la fontaine sur pied la plus vendue en Europe et E-Max le tout dernier modele haute technologie aux formes incurvees mis sur le marche en 2000. La gamme ...
Jenkins and Hustwit produce a selection of unique, wholesome, delicious, handmade, traditional, luxury Fruit Cakes and Christmas Puddings from trusted family recipes. Other quality products from our farmhouse baking range include Celebration Cakes, Granny Loaves, Low Sugar Fruit Cakes, Deluxe Cherry and Almond Cake, Butter Madeira Cake, Glace Fruit Cake, Date and Walnut Cakes and Mincemeat. The ...