- Linus Torvalds (torvalds@transmeta.com) The homepage of a WWW-illiterate Why does this exist at all Frankly, I don't know. I got a default homepage (in Finnish) made automatically for me, and now I wonder what I should do with it. If you have any great suggestions, feel free to mail me, and I'll probably feel free to ignore you. If you're looking for Linux information, you'll find more of it ...www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/torvalds
- Giving It All Away Linus Torvalds wrote a computer operating system in college and gave millions of copies away. Now that he has changed the world of computing and nicked the empire of Bill Gates, Linus has come to Silicon Valley to see what else he can shake up. By Michael Learmonth Photo by Christopher Gardner RELIGIOUSLY, MEN LIKE Jim McPherson, Chuck Ritter and Larry Colen meet each month in ...www.metroactive.com/papers/metro/05.08.97/cover/linus-9719.html