Information on prison conditions around the world, international human rights standards applicable to prisoners, and the prison-related activities of the United Nations and other organizations.
The Prison Activist Resource Center is the source for progressive and radical information on prisons and the criminal prosecution system. Educational and activist resources, news, alerts and analysis.
Last Updated: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 Koch Learning Systems Conferences and seminars dealing with school violence, violent youth and gangs On-line learning - Continuing education for professionals Instructor Led - Seminars and Conferences led by professionals Methamphetamine Information Reference Library, discussion board, letters from readers, chat room Juvenile Boot Camp Directory Provided as a ...
Research and links on the prison industrial complex ...
Selected research and facts about privately operated prisons are posted here by Professor Charles H. Logan.
KEEP FREE MEDIA FREE----------- Private Prisons: Profits of Crime By Phil Smith from the Fall 1993 issue of Covert Action Quarterly Private prisons are a symptom, a response by private capital to the opportunities created by society's temper tantrum approach to the problem of criminality. At Leavenworth, Kansas, within a perimeter of razor wire, armed prison guards in uniform supervise hundreds ...
Prison watch The number of people in prison, in jail, on parole, and on probation in the U.S. increased threefold between 1980 and 2000, to more than 6 million, and the number of people in prison increased from 319, 598 to almost 2 million in the same period. This buildup has targeted the poor, and especially Blacks. In 1999, though Blacks were only 13 percent of the U.S. population, they were ... The Voice Of The Imprisoned is a nonprofit corporation of education, information and charity. Our mission is to benefit the 100, 000+ state, local and federal prisoners in Pennsylvania, their families and loved ones. Further, we aim to assist prisoners everywhere. We submit that prisoners are people just like anyone else. Many of them are your relatives. They ...
Voices Behind The Walls We Speak to the needs, concerns, hopes of Prisoners ...
Cashing in on Criminality: Private Prisons, Corporate Power, and the Color of Crime Essay, Prospectus and Annotated Bibliography by Karyl K. Kicenski George Mason University Index: Essay Prospectus Annotated Bibliography Ideology, Globalization, and the Rage of the Multi-National Corporation The Growth of the Prison Population and Concomitant Costs The Privatization Debate Theoretical Concerns ...
All too often, prison is simply a training ground for more serious crimes. But read how some inmates have been helped to make genuine changes.
Got a Loved One in prison Live in Ohio WE are FADS, Families Against Disparate Sentences, a family-of-prisoners group working to bring CHANGES to how men and women in Ohio prisons can achieve equality in sentencing. Currently, Ohio has substantially unfair disparities between those sentenced prior to the enactment of SB 2, July 1, 1996, and those sentenced afterward. It is our mission to bring ...
Find: Lesson Plans Felon Disenfranchisement Laws Why shouldn't individuals who have already served their sentences and paid their debt to society be allowed to vote once they have been released from prison Purpose The purpose of this lesson plan is to allow students to learn about felon disenfranchisement laws and formulate their own opinion as to whether or not they believe these restrictive ...
Prisoner Voting Pennsylvania has a Constitution. Under that Constitution, everyone is entitled to vote. The Constitution doesn't disenfranchise prisoners! Of course the conservative politicians are scared to death of allowing prisoners to cast a ballot. They've gotten around the Constitution by not allowing prisoners to register to vote and by not providing them ballots. As a result, for ...
As the US elections were under way November 7, an estimated 3.9 million Americans, or one in fifty adults, were denied the right to vote due to felony and other criminal convictions. In many cases these individuals have been permanently stripped of their voting rights.