- Blissful in St. Barts By Angela Wibking At eight miles square, most of it straight up, theres not much to the rocky island of St. Barthelemy in the French West Indies, just east of the Virgin Islands in the Caribbean. Not much neon, nightlife or much of a singles scene, that is. That leaves room for more of what many travelers-- including this one--have come to look for in a Caribbean vacation.travellady.com/articles/article-stbarts.html
- Caribbean Travel Roundup Newsletter - Paul Graveline, Editor Travel Reports: St. Barthelemy (St. Barts) - - Sponsored by - - Paradise at Best - www.gobeach.com Caribbean Vacation Villas of St.Barths Your source for the best Caribbean vacation you've ever had! St. Barths by Ron Townsend (7/01) St. Barths By Debby Kovac (04/01) St. Barts By John Cuttino (03/01) Three Islands: Puerto Rico, Saint ...www.caribtravelnews.com/sbh.htm