- 'A ...dallin.org
- Kenneth Seitz, Director Celebrating 21 years of women's music in the Boston area ...www.cantilena.org
- The Arlington Philharmonic Orchestra brings together instrumentalists of all ages and musical experience. Under the direction of Conductor Walter Pavasaris and Assistant Conductor James Russell Smith, the Orchestra performs in five concerts during the season, including its Family Concert in February, two concerts with the Arlington-Belmont Chorale, and the PSA's Annual POPS! Concert in June. The ...psarlington.org/orch.htm
- psarlington.org
- It was in 1973 when the Chorale of the Philharmonic Society of Arlington and the Belmont Chorus merged. Since John Bavicchi was then the music director of both groups and the Arlington Philharmonic Orchestra, it only made sense. Mr. Bavicchi's Assistant Conductor since 2000 is Barry Singer, who also conducts the Arlington-Belmont Chamber Chorus. Our accompanist is Patricia Wilson. The Chorale is ...psarlington.org/chorale.htm