- Return of the Triffids: The John Wyndham Archive The University of Liverpool Art Gallery, 15 January - 26 February 1999 Welcome to the Webpage for Return of the Triffids an exhibition which celebrated the acquisition of the John Wyndham Archive by the University of Liverpool. Illustration reproduced by kind permission of Fabbri Publishing. The University of Liverpool Art Gallery is at 3 ...www.liv.ac.uk/~asawyer/triffid2.html
- THE DAY OF THE TRIFFIDS by John Wyndham Carroll & Graf 0-881849-89-8 $3.95 Reviewed by Steven H Silver If you only know about The Day of the Triffids from watching the 1963, Steve Sekely film, you are definitely missing something by ignoring the novel. Unlike the movie (as is nearly always the case), the novel has a chance to flesh out both characters and situations. Triffids, mobile carnivorous ...www.sfsite.com/~silverag/wyndham.html