- BRITISH LYMPHOLOGY SOCIETY Patron Lady Jane Grosvenor Registered Charity No. 1042561 The British Lymphology Society (BLS) is a multi-disciplinary group of health care professionals and other interested parties directly involved in the management of lymphoedema or interested in furthering the work of the Society. The main objectives of BLS are to promote awareness of lymphoedema and to establish ...www.lymphoedema.org/bls
- The International Society of Lymphology (ISL) was founded during the First International Symposium of Lymphology in Zurich, July, 1966. Now, in its 34st year of existence, the Society has some 375 members from 42 nations. Affiliated groups are: The Japanese Society of Lymphology, The North American Society of Lymphology, The German Speaking Section of Lymphology, The Groupement Europeen de ...www.u.arizona.edu/~witte/ISL.htm