- The Rockhampton Grammar School ...www.rgs.qld.edu.au
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- Our mission is to help and guide the children of this school to progress towards the full attainment of their potential as individuals and as future adult members of our community. Welcome to our web site. Located at 141 Graham Street, Ayr. 4807 TELEPHONE: 0747831253 FAX: 0747835332 OUR SCHOOL OUR STUDENTS TEACHING AND LEARNING PARENT INFORMATION HOME If you have comments or suggestions, email us ...www.ayrss.qld.edu.au
- Welcome to EAST AYR STATE PRIMARY SCHOOL Hello, and welcome. Thanks for visiting our school. Our school's mascot is the rooster. Roosters are symbolic of alertness and purposeful activity, two qualities we value at our school. If you'd like to see a bit of what's happening at our school, peck on one of the buttons below. Newsletter 50th Jubilee Calendar of Events School Leaders If you have any ...www.ayreastss.qld.edu.au