- Links to Rhaeto-Romance (Romansch, Friulan, and Ladin) language resources on the Internet.home.luna.nl/~benne/rumantsch.html
- L Universitad da Friburg e l unica universitad svizra che offra il rom linguatg e cultura rumantscha sco rom principal per il licenziat e sco rom principal dal diplom da magister secundar.www.unifr.ch/rheto
- Institut Dicziunari Rumantsch Grischun (IDRG): Homepage ...www.drg.ch
- Language goes wild in a linguistic Galapagos.www.suite101.com/article.cfm/world_languages/12918
- Languages | Downloads | Store | Documents | Contact Conjugators: Windows shareware Windows freeware On-line conjugator Romance languages: Rhaeto-Romanic (Romansh) Romansh has about 70, 000 speakers in SE Switzerland and was recognized in that country in 1937 as a national language, co-official with German, French, and Italian. Conjugate a Romansh verb: Fill in the infinitive. Don't use any ...www.verbix.com/languages/romansch.shtml