- Serbian-English Dictionary on the Internet.www.krstarica.com/dictionary
- Azbuka Modern Serbian Chirilic Alphabeth a.JPG b.JPG c.JPG ch.JPG cj.JPG d.JPG dj.JPG dzh.JPG e.JPG f.JPG g.JPG i.JPG j.JPG k.JPG l.JPG lj.JPG m.JPG n.JPG nj.JPG o.JPG p.JPG r.JPG s.JPG sh.JPG t.JPG u.JPG v.JPG z.JPG zh.JPG stojkov@yurope.com http://yurope.com/people/sen/prezentacije/azbuka/ Updated on November 05th 1996 ...www.yurope.com/people/sen/prezentacije/azbuka/index.html
- Srpski The only travel service introducing you to Belgrade & Serbia with care and affection! Some Serbian... for help and for fun! This capsule vocabulary of useful expressions should assist you in your everyday dealings in Belgrade. Most public signs and warnings still are written in Serbian only, so take with you a copy of this glossary and you'll understand them properly. You may find it ...rabotic.tripod.com/dictionary.htm