The Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) is an international organization that conducts basic research into the history of the ocean basins and the nature of the crust beneath the ocean floor.
Researching the effects of underwater hydrothermal venting systems Vents conducts research on the impacts and consequences of submarine volcanoes and hydrothermal venting on the global ocean. Browse Vents Sites New Millennium Observatory (NeMO) Pioneer Seamount: realtime acoustic monitoring Ocean Seismicity Theme Page Exploring Heceta Bank The Submarine Ring of Fire Today @Vents NeMO Net 2002 ...
The TAO Project Office of NOAA/PMEL led a major international effort to instrument the entire tropical Pacific with nearly 70 deep ocean moorings from 1985-1994. Completed in 1994, this Tropical Atmosphere Ocean array has enabled real-time collection of high quality oceanographic and surface meteorological data for monitoring, forecasting, understanding climate swings associated with El ...
Home page for the School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, University of Alaska Fairbanks. SFOS is an marine science education and research institution, specializing in northern climates.
Dive and Discover: Expeditions to the Seafloor - Join scientists as they dive to the mid-ocean ridge thousands of meters deep. Explore towering underwater volcanoes, black smokers, and bizarre creatures that live there. Funded by the Woods Hole Oceanogrpahic Institution and the National Science Foundation ...
The Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) is an international partnership of scientists and research institutions organized to explore Earth's structure and history through scientific ocean drilling.
What is Argo Argo Science Team Membership Argo Documents & Reports Figures & Schematics Argo Collection Slides New Argo animation Next meeting of the Argo Science Team International Commitments for Argo Floats Links Home Argo is a global array of 3, 000 free-drifting profiling floats that will measure the temperature and salinity of the upper 2000 m of the ocean. This will allow continuous ... / 9-29-99 ...
Acoustic Thermometry of Ocean Climate (ATOC) What's New (updated 8/2/2000) ATOC Summary and Results ATOC's Climate Research ATOC's Marine Mammal Research ATOC's California Source ATOC's Hawaii Source ATOC Publication Lists: Acoustic Thermometry Publications Marine Mammal Publications ATOC Articles: Listening to the Ocean's Temperature , Explorations (Fall, 1998) Related Sites: NPAL (North Pacific ...
The World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) 1990-2002 The WOCE CONFERENCE is to be held in San Antonio, Texas Nov 18-22, 2002. Home News Overview Achievements (Science/Data) Organization Publications & Bibliography Calendar Links Contact Us The World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) is a component of the World Climate Research Program (WCRP) and is the most ambitious oceanographic ...
The United States Joint Global Ocean Flux Study is a national component of international JGOFS and an integral part of global climate change research. Map Legend The U.S. launched the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) in the late 1980s to study the ocean carbon cycle. An ambitious goal was set to understand the controls on the concentrations and fluxes of carbon and associated nutrients in ...
Visit the One Gulf web site! - A Partnership web site dedicated to enhancing and protecting the environmental resources of the Gulf Comprehensive Meeting of the Focus Teams National Coastal Condition Report Coastal Wetlands/Seagrass Restoration Tracking Report PDF Format (61 pages/1.9MB) | MS Word Format (64 pages/1.77MB) The Mercury Forum (May 20-21, 2002, Mobile, Alabama): Abstracts and ...
You must have javascript enabled in order to access the main portion of our website. If you do not, we have a site map available that will navigate you through the majority of our site. Click Here Home A Public Agency for Marine Environmental Research Current News About Us | Contact Us | Meetings | Publications | Tools | Regional Monitoring | Data | FAQ | Links Microbiological Source Tracking ...
Explications sur ce serveur Recherche de publications par mots-clefs Acces au serveur INRIA Intranet (acces limite) Derniere mise jour: 29 Mai 2001 Le projet AIR s'interesse la formalisation mathematique des phenomenes image observes sur les donnees satellitaires. Le choix des problemes etudies se fait en collaboration avec des scientifiques (agronomes, geologues, meteorologues, hydrologues, ...
Jason-1: mission information, status, images ...
Atmospheric Chemistry Studies in the Oceanic Environment (ACSOE), which took place between 1995 and 2000, is a UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Thematic Research Programme to investigate the chemistry of the lower atmosphere (0 - 12 km) over the oceans. The studies aimed to bring about a clearer understanding of natural processes in the remote marine atmosphere, and how these ...
BASYS Homepage ...
Living with the Sea is addressing the impact of sea level rise and the flood and coastal defence response on the internationally important habitats protected by the Habitats and Birds Directive.
Index page to resources in the marine geosciences ...
Autosub is an unmanned autonomous research submarine ...
SeaSound Remote Sensing Network: A window into the underwater wilderness of the ocean ...
De Nationale Oceanografische Data Commissie (NODC) is het Nederlands platform voor de uitwisseling van oceanografische gegevens en informatie, alsmede voor advisering op het gebied van oceanografisch data management.
The OCCAM global ocean model ...
Benthic ecology Biogeochemistry Canyon processes Chemical sensors Greenhouse gases MARS Microbial oceanography Midwater Molecular ecology MUSE Seismology Submarine volcanism Direct Experiments on the Ocean Disposal of Fossil Fuel CO2 Peter G. Brewer , Gernot Friederich , Edward T. Peltzer & Franklin M. Orr, Jr . : Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute : Stanford University SCIENCE 284: ...
COHERENS Home Page Dissemination and exploitation of a COupled Hydrodynamical Ecological model for REgioNal Shelf seas Marine Science and Technology Programme (MAST-III) MAS3-CT97-0088 COHERENS is a three-dimensional hydrodynamic multi-purpose model for coastal and shelf seas, which is coupled to biological, resuspension and contaminant models, and resolves mesoscale to seasonal scale processes.
MAST-3 INDIA Project The INDIA Project is motivated primarily by a requirement to improve understanding of the interacting hydrodynamic and sedimentological processes at work in the European coastal zone and to develop improved methodologies to predict changes in morphology. Undertaking such a study requires a dynamic natural field site where processes are sufficiently active to result in ...
Pre-operational oceanography needs internationally organised monitoring and communications networks, and rationalisation of the range of models used. PROMISE comprises a group of leading European organisations addressing these requirements via a user community and wider initiatives such as EUROGOOS. Pre-operational Modelling in the Seas of Europe PROMISE is an EU-RTD project Project summary ...
PEP a Project of the MAST-III programme of the European Union ...
HR Wallingford, an independent company that carries out research and consultancy in hydraulics, civil engineering and the water environment worldwide.
Home | Insight | Research | About POL | Contact us | Search This website uses JavaScript and style sheets. Please ensure that they are enabled in your browser. The ACCLAIM Programme in the South Atlantic and Southern Oceans The ACCLAIM (Antarctic Circumpolar Current Levels by Altimetry and Island Measurements) programme in the South Atlantic and Southern Oceans consists of measurements from ...
Home About CMDL Publications Organization Facilities Related Information Contact Us Summary SAGA II (87) RITS (89) SAGA III (90) OAXTC (92) BLAST I (94) BLAST II (94) BLAST III (96) GASEX (98) BACPAC (99) CLIVAR (01) S A G A I I Soviet / American Gas and Aerosol expedition II (1987) Abstract The overall goal of SAGA II was to evaluate the sources, distributions, and fates of climatically ...
P den har sidan anvands ramar som inte st ds av din webblasare. ...
The overall aim of COIN is to improve understanding of the active processes in coastal and shelf seas and their essential interactions, thereby developing coupled models for forecasting and management into the next century. Coastal and Shelf Sea Interactions COIN contributes to the CCMS programme Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Seas Interactions Project summary The project has two main themes: and ...
BIOCOLOR Ocean Colour for the Determination of Water Column Biological Processes. The MAST III and the INCO project # MAS3-CT97-0085 The aim of this study is relate changes in the properties of the water column and associated sucessions in the phytoplankton with changes in optical properties and ocean colour. Models based on these relationships will be developed and validated. These models will ...
Southern Ocean Process Study Program Coordinators Robert Anderson, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Walker Smith, Virginia Institute of Marine Science Implementation Plan The U.S. JGOFS Antarctic Environment and Southern Ocean Process Study (AESOPS) began field work on August 29, 1996 and ended during April of 1998. The cruises were staged from Lyttleton, New ...
A European initiative for sustainable coastal erosion management Webmaster Last updated: 31.07.2002 ...
Network for Environmental Observation of the Coastal Ocean ...
NOMADS NOrth sea Model Advection Dispersion Study Welcome to the NOMADS Home Page NOMADS is an EU-RTD project Project Summary Nomads dataset Partner details NOMADS2 Link to DGXII MAST Programme Home Page ...
Global AssimilatioN Applied to Modelling of European Shelf Seas Click the image to go to the GANES Home Page GANES Objectives: Primary To apply the techniques of ocean data assimilation to Earth Observation (EO) data and thereby to improve the ability to model and forecast currents and water properties in European coastal and shelf sea regions. Secondary To produce a temporally varying analysis ...
Web page of the Coastman program, dealing with Integrated Coastal Zone Management in three European countries ...
CCMS-POL SRP 2 - Ocean Shelf Interactions NEAT GIN - North East Atlantic, Greenland-Iceland-Norwegian sea experiment The NEAT GIN experiment took place during September-October 1989 at the Norwegian shelf edge near 68N. Seven moorings, five in a closely-spaced cross-slope section, have proved a valuable precursor to the Shelf Edge Study (SES) west of Scotland. The NEAT GIN data analysis has now ...
EC MAST project PROFILE (Contract MAS2-CT930054) Processes in Regions of Fresh Water Influence (ROFIs) ROFIs are of interest as a distinctive hydrodynamic regime, between the coast/estuary and the wider shelf-sea where freshwater influence is dispersed (see figure denoting a vertical section offshore). Fresh water from rivers provides a strong buoyancy source; it tends to flow out over more ...
Enter Bedford Basin Plankton Monitoring Program ...
AMBIOS Home Page Integrating Environmental and Population Variation: A Model for Biodiversity Studies (AMBIOS) The objectives of this project are to determine the interrelationships between the physical properties of ecosystems and the ecology of organisms in the generation of biodiversity, to measure objectively the resultant diversity and to produce operational concepts of biodiversity which ...
The PROVESS Home Page is here You should view these pages with a browser which can interpret HTML 3.2 code. Download the latest Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer. ...