- Eighteenth Century Dinners at Van Cortlandt Manorhudsonvalley.org
- NMHS, sea history, sea history, sea history, sea history, sea history, sea history, National Maritime Historical Society, Opsail 2000 tickets, Opsail tickets, Opsail tickets, Opsail tickets, Opsail tickets, Operation Sail, Operation Sail, Operation Sail, Operation Sail, Operation Sail, Operation Sail, maritime history, maritime heritage, seafaring, ships, maritime museums, sailing ships, ...seahistory.org
- The New Netherland Museum and the Half Moon ...www.newnetherland.org
- Westchester County Historical Society, a library and research center ...www.westchesterhistory.com
- Early history of the Hudson River, Henry Hudson, and the Half Moon.www.ulster.net/~hrmm/halfmoon/halfmoon.htm
- Preserve the Past - Enlighten the Future ...yorktownhistory.org
- Virtual Archives of Westchester County, NY ...www.westchesterarchives.com