SEAGULL develops, markets and supports software technology to e-business enable the mission-critical applications that are the backbone of enterprise operations. What distinguishes SEAGULL solutions is that they are practical, cost-effective and, most importantly, designed to deliver results quickly.
Bi-Cycle supports maintenance and reliability engineers of large industries in improving the preventive maintenance plans. Bi-Cycle software combines the plant's maintenance history and an industry wide maintenance knowledge to present the effectivity of the existing preventive maintenance plans. Bi-Cycle streamlines thecontinuous maintenance improvement workprocess (RCM abd TPM) that strives to ...
Broekhuis is toonaangevend op het gebied van automatiseringsopleidingen en het ontwikkelen van maatwerk in software oplossingen. Broekhuis levert een compleet pakket aan diensten, waaronder een vijftal producten: Broekhuis Training, Broekhuis Solutions, Broekhuis Professional, Broekhuis Cadix en Broekhuis Consultancy. Met vestigingen in heel Nederland, verzorgt Broekhuis ruim 300 cursussen en ...
Welcome to the KSC Groep Please choose: Opalis, CryptoGram and Babylon Software Distribution ICT Training Facilities and Business Process Automation Consulting KSC Groep - Parelgrijs 46-48 2718 NV Zoetermeer, Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)79 3621000 Fax: +31 (0)79 3619715 ...