- A personal, mystical subpage with plenty of Gustav Klimt to nourish the spirit.www.cs.virginia.edu/~dbi9m/klimt
- IKlimt, RDA presents a site dedicated to the life and works of Austrian painter Gustav Klimt ...www.iklimt.com
- LAKS vienna is a Austrian watch maker since 1986. LAKS vienna was foundet by Lucas Alexander Karl Scheybal. Here you find the most beautyful art-watches, fragrance-watches, digital-watches, children-watches and fashion-watches of the world.www.laks.com/deutsch/klimtmuseum.html
- The Klimt Collection, - recreations of Gustav Klimt from the Klimt ateliers ...www.gustavklimtcollection.com
- www.artchive.com/artchive/ftptoc/klimt_ext.html