- Fernand Leger images and biography Join the ARTCHIVE PATRON PROGRAM. For your donation, receive benefits including a CD-ROM of this entire site. (1881-1955) See also: Cubism VIEW LIST OF FERNAND LEGER IMAGES ON THE WEB The following review of the Leger retrospective held at the Museum of Modern Art in 1998 was written by Dr. Francis V. O Connor, Editor, O CONNOR S PAGE. I do not like Fernand ...www.artchive.com/artchive/L/leger.html
- Fernand Léger (1881 - 1955) French painter, who influenced cubism, constructivism, and the modern commercial poster and other types of applied art. Born in Argentan, France, he served a two-year architecture apprenticeship in Caen, France, and later studied unofficially under two professors at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris, France. Beginning in 1910 he was a prominent exhibitor and ...www.mcs.csuhayward.edu/~malek/Leger.html