Stanford University School of Medicine ...
UKAN, the Narcolepsy Association UK (Registered Charity No. 326361) is an association of narcoleptics, their relatives and others interested in improving their lot. Its registered objects are the benefit, relief and aid of persons suffering from narcolepsy.
Narcolepsy is primarily characterized by intermittent, uncontrollable episodes of falling asleep during the daytime. Three additional symptoms are typically associated with narcolepsy: cataplexy (short-lived intermittent muscle weakness), hypnogogic and hypnopompic hallucinations (hallucinations while falling asleep or waking), and sleep paralysis (paralysis while falling asleep or waking).
Welcome to the homepage of the Swiss Narcolepsy Association English Deutsch Changes: geschutzte Seiten fur Members only (22.05.01) Online-Formular fur Feedback, Anmeldung etc. (30.08.01) Bilder vom DNG Jugendtreff in Darmstadt 2001 (11.09.2001) Rundbrief 32 (14.09.2001) einige Aenderungen an Links-Page, neue Artikel in Diskussionforum (25.09.2001) neues Design (03.04.2002) Poesie- und ...
Narcolepsy information sheet compiled by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS).
Stanford University School of Medicine ...
FAQ's, news(updated as it comes available), stories on narcolepsy by narcoleptics, info on meds, Narcolepsy message board, chat room and more.
Our experiences with narcolepsy...letters from fellow narcoleptics describing their experiences with doctors, symptoms, family and friends.
Young Adults With Narcolepsy (Y.A.W.N.) is an international patient outreach and advocacy organization working to support and advance public awareness of narcolepsy on behalf of the millions of young adults and others who are affected by this disorder.
This email-based discussion group is a distribution list for people with narcolepsy, their partners and families, and care-providers for those who suffer from narcolepsy. Its charter is to act as an electronic support group and a place for dissemination of information about narcolepsy. We discuss things like treatments for narcolepsy, new research, coping with narcolepsy, and simply how it feels to live with narcolepsy.
An annotated list of WWW links that have been mentioned on the Narcolepsy InterNet's list. This is a one-stop roadmap to information that PWN, their partners and family will find interesting.
World wide web resources for narcolepsy solutions. is a Narcolepsy information center. All the information you ever needed or wanted to know about the sleeping disorder Narcolepsy.