- Date: Fri, 9 Feb 1996 17:16:35 +0100 To: barlow@eff.org From: John Perry Barlow Subject: A Cyberspace Independence Declaration Yesterday, that great invertebrate in the White House signed into the law the Telecom Reform Act of 1996, while Tipper Gore took digital photographs of the proceedings to be included in a book called 24 Hours in Cyberspace. I had also been asked to participate in the ...www.hax.com/CyberSpaceDeclaration.html
- THE DECLARATION By John Perry Barlow Yesterday, that great invertebrate in the White House signed into the law the Telecom Reform Act of 1996, while Tipper Gore took digital photographs of the proceedings to be included in a book called 24 Hours in Cyberspace. I had also been asked to participate in the creation of this book by writing something appropriate to the moment. Given the atrocity that ...www.salon.com/08/features/declaration.html