The !Kung of the Kalahari Desert Source of Information: Shostak, M. (1981). Nisa: The life and words of a !Kung woman. New York: Random House. Location and Environment: Shaping Traditional Lifestyle The !Kung population is located in isolated areas of Botswana, Angola, and Namibia. They refer to themselves as the Zhun/twasi, the real people, and are also referred to as the !Kung San. The ...
Cooking practices of San Bushmen (!Kung) by food type; main staples (meat, mongongo nuts); resultant macronutrient ratios in diet.
Home Marjorie Shostak, a feminist among the bush people, died on October 6th, aged 51. ONE day Marjorie Shostak was sitting with a group of tribal women who were making jokes about sex. Feeling brave, as she later recounted, she joined in, trying to match their banter. I must have succeeded because the women soon started to exclaim that I had truly become a Kung woman. The Kung San ...