- CULTURES OF THE ANDES Culturas de los Andes Pictures from the Andes Mountains of So. America -- Fotos Songs, words & music -- Canciones -- Takikuna Quechua, native Language -- Lenguaje Ind gena: Jokes -- Chistes -- Asinakuna Dances with Movies clips -- Danzas, con Videos cortos -- Tusuykuna Poetry in Ecuadorian Quichua, and Peruvian Quechua -- Poemas -- Harawikuna Bible -- Biblia en Quechua ...www.andes.org
- Giving a voice to people who have suffered as a result of General Pinochet s regime. Unless Pinochet is brought to trial, Chilean democracy will remain sick at heart.www.remember-chile.org.uk
- A close-up look at people, places, schools, and government in Chile ...www.localaccess.com/chappell/chile
- Suddha Dharma Mandalam Association. Yoga Brahma Vidya, Synthetic Science of The Absolute. Religious Organization non profit.www.suddhadharmamandalam.co.cl
- www.futafriends.org