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- Formatted to best fit 800 x 600 Resolution Confederacy, Confederate States of America, South, Southern independence, Dixie, Dixieland, secession, southern nationalist ...www.dixienet.org
- Welcome to Compeer of Tuscaloosa! Compeer is a non profit organization of the Mental Health Association of Tuscaloosa County. Its purpose is to unite people receiving mental health services with volunteers to spend one hour a week talking, sharing a cup of coffee, or watching a movie. It's as simple as being a friend. I was a Compeer volunteer before I knew I was one, says Mary, a volunteer with ...www.dbtech.net/compeer/Compeer.2.html
- The Tuscaloosa Children's Center is child advocacy center that provides children who have been sexually and/or physically abused ...www.tuscaloosachildrenscenter.org