MASSPIRG stands up to powerful interests whenever they threaten our health, our financial security, or our right to fully participate in our democracy.
Welcome! Earth Share of New England is a coalition of leading environmental organizations working to protect and preserve our natural resources and public health. We recently affiliated with a national environmental non-profit, Earth Share, and 14 state-based Earth Shares across the country--creating the only nationwide network for environmental giving. We're celebrating with a brand new website ...
The Environmental League of Massachusetts is dedicated to protecting the air, water, and land for the people of the commonwealth. We do this by voicing citizens' concerns, advocating for strong environmental laws, and ensuring that our laws are implemented and enforced.
29 Temple Place Boston, MA 02111 617-426-8506 (p) 617-292-8057 (f) ...
Fighting Toxics in Our Neighborhoods ...
ACE works in low-income communities and communities of color to achieve environmental justice.