Igloo recycles tons of dry newsprint every year, and breaks it down to a refined, wood fibre to form fluffy wool-like cellulose used as insulation in attics and walls. ...
Manuflow Commercial and residential floor products distributor, laminated floors, cork floors, cork floating floors.
A description of our products and services about hardwood flooring, installation and maintenance, a gallery of photos, and much more. Dans le site de Barwood-Pilon vous trouverez une description de nos lignes de produits : Mirage Classic, Mirage Engineered et autres manufacturiers prestigieux de planchers de bois francs. Vous y trouverez egalement notre guide d installation ainsi qu'une galerie ...
A.H.C. Agencies Limited, founded in 1979, promotes and distributes Builders Hardware world wide with a specialty in architectural decorative products. Fondee en 1979, Agences A.H.C. limitee, distribue de la quincaillerie de batiment a l'echelle mondiale.