- Education (3)
- A Catholic elementary school serving children in grades K-8.www.st-matts.org
- St.Joseph School web site ...www.stjosephwsp.org
- A small neighborhood parish focused on prayer and Eucharist. Founded in 1954 and located on St. Paul's East Side, we welcome all visitors.www.stthomasap.org
- 1435 Midway Parkway St. Paul, MN 55108 (651) 644-2791 Holy Childhood School Holy Childhood School is the hidden gem of the Como Park neighborhood. It is a small school, Kindergarten through Eighth Grade, offering only one class per grade level. Our staff is a dedicated group of teachers who consider their ministry to be teaching our children not only the core curriculum, but also basic Christian ...holychildhood.catholicweb.com