Our growing dependence on foreign gives undue leverage to oil producing countries over our economy. Developing and implementing alternative sources of energy in automotive and utility industries is critical to our energy independence and stability of our economy.
Now official congressional site for U.S. legislative information
C-SPAN is a private, non-profit business venture of the cable television industry. Even though the network's programming covers the political process, the network receives no funding from the government. C-SPAN obtains its operating funds from the cable systems that offer the network to their customers.
Directory of progressive social change and environmental resources. Sponsored by the Institute for Global Communications, home of the progressive online services EcoNet, PeaceNet, ConflictNet and LaborNet.
State information resource links to state homepage, symbols, flags, maps, constitutions, representitives, songs, birds, flowers, trees ...
In 1975, Congress created the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to administer and enforce the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) - the statute that governs the financing of federal elections. The regulation of federal campaigns emanated from a congressional judgment that our representative form of government needed protection from the corrosive influence of unlimited and undisclosed political contributions. Guided by this desire to protect the fundamental tenets of democracy, Congress created an independ
The USA CityLink project is a city's interface to the world. It is the Internet's most comprehensive listing of World Wide Web pages featuring U.S. states and cities. USA CityLink also offers a free nationwide relocation service.
Listings of political sites available on the Internet sorted by country, with links to Parties, Organizations, Governments, Media and more from all around the world.
I founded the Christian Coalition as a pro-family citizen action organization to impact public policy on a local, state, and national level, to teach Christians effective citizenship, and to promote Christian values in government. We are a coalition of pro-family Roman Catholics, evangelicals, and other people of faith working together to become the unified voice of families with children in middle class America. Christian Coalition has more than 1.5 million members and 1500 local chapters in all 50 states
Eagle Forum is a conservative, pro-family organization of volunteers who participate in the process of self-government and public policymaking so that America will continue to be a land of individual liberty, respect for family, and private enterprise. Our members work for parents' rights in education, a strong national defense, protection of the U.S. Constitution, lower taxes, a reduction in the power and spending of the Federal Government, a privatized health care industry, and a rejection of the false
A collection of source documents about Green Parties and Green Politics, with links to related resources. Greens are working worldwide for peace, civil and human rights, social justice, and environmental sanity.
FECInfo is the non-partisan Federal candidate campaign money page.
Here's where we bring you what no print magazine can. We've combined the flexibilty of the internet with in-depth reporting to give you a unique look at what really fuels Washington.
Rock the Vote is dedicated to: PROTECTING freedom of speech, EDUCATING young people about issues that affect us, and MOTIVATING young people to participate by registering, voting and speaking out.
Free Congress is pleased to be working with one of the leaders in Internet broadcasting, TVontheWeb.com, to bring you live and archived Free Congress programming on our new Internet site.
Everyone should be in contact with their elected officials. This page makes it easy. Just click on an email address and type away.
The US50 is a extensive guide to history, outdoors, tourism, events and attractions for the fifty states.
These pages provide access to the driving force in congressional politics today. Sources include U.S. Term Limits, Americans for Limited Terms, Term Limits Leadership Council and many state organizations.
Tourist Information with Daily Up-to-Date Live-Weather and Panorama Pictures
Voter Information Services, Inc. calculates and publishes VIS Ratings of the U.S. Congress. The ratings show the level of support given by the members of Congress to the causes supported or opposed by various interest groups.
On high school campuses across the country, there are students concerned with what is happening around them; students who are interested in politics and government, foreign affairs, the law, and education. The Junior State of America (JSA) was created by and for these students. JSA's purpose is to teach high school students about government, to encourage critical thinking, and to help develop students' leadership, debate, and public speaking skills. JSA is a chance to meet and make friends with score
I am a representative, in Houston, of the LaRouche for President Exploratory Committee.
Take our fun online survey to find the best places to live, work, & retire specially rated to fit you. Compare the best cities & small towns with free colorful reports. We'll even help your find a job! It's Fun and FREE!
On July 4, 1776, we claimed our independence from England and Democracy was born. Every day thousands leave their homeland to come to the land of the free and the home of the brave so they can begin their American Dream. The United States is truly a diverse nation made up of dynamic people. Each year on July 4, Americans celebrate that freedom and independence with barbecues, picnics, and family ...
Juelie's State Flower Garden of Gifs PLEASE READ REQUIREMENTS FOR USE Welcome to Juelie's State Flower Garden of Gifs. Within her garden you will find all the State flowers. You are invited to take home with a few flowers for use on your personal home page (non commercial). You must not take her whole collection. Transplant the flowers you pick, do not link to this page. She also asks--if you ...
State flags, symbols, geography, emblems, seals, populations, climate and people of the 50 states.
A directory of links to topics of interest to United We Stand America: Government Reform, Sound Fiscal Management of the Government and related subtopics.
It is time that the United States treat qualified physically disabled individuals equally, and offer an equal opportunity for employment based on job ability, not physical disability.
This site contains a detailed list of all the line items of the federal budget. All data was compiled from official government budget documents.
For a number of years my friend Barry Carroll and i (accompanied by our varied family members) have made a point of touring natural sacred sites and places where examples of sacred architecture can be found. We have visited sites ranging from Mayan ruins to Freemasonic lodges, from Australian Aboriginal bora rings to Neolithic megaliths, and from wayside shrines to the Virgin Mary to formal labyrinth gardens in Europe.
Federal Agency Integrity Requirement for Governing (FAIR Governing) is a grass roots organization promoting the concept that the Executive Branch of the federal government should be accountable for its actions, should act with integrity, and should have to follow the rules which apply to citizens.
The intent of "The Iowa Project 1996" is to track the progress of the Republican presidential candidates prior to the Iowa Caucuses in February of 1996.