Berkeley Lab is operated by the University of California as part of the U.S. Department of Energy's national laboratory system.
Lawrence Livermore's mission is to apply science and technology in the national interest, with a focus on global security, global ecology, and bioscience.
Fermilab is a U.S. Department of Energy national laboratory for research exploring the fundamental nature of matter and energy.
Performs research and development in the basic sciences, energy, and environemtal management.
The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory puts science and technology to work to solve problems for its primary customer, the U.S. Department of Energy, other government agencies, and private industrial customers. The Laboratory focuses on research and development related to waste management, environmental restoration, global environmental change, energy and national security.
Ames Laboratory effectively focuses diverse fundamental and applied research strengths upon issues of national concern, cultivates tomorrow's research talent, and develops and transfers technologies to improve industrial competitiveness and enhance U.S. economic security.
The Computational Science Methods group at Los Alamos National Laboratory is a diverse collection of talented individuals and projects that focus on the application of advanced numerical algorithms and computational science to a variety of problems. Areas of expertise include adaptive computing and neural networks, graphics, data archiving and so on, with application areas spanning laser welding modeling, financial applications of nonlinear adaptive computing, oil and gas exporation applicati