- Mailing address: Limnological Research Center University of Minnesota 310 Pillsbury Dr. SE Minneapolis, MN 55455 fax (612) 625-3819 phone (612) 624-5828 LRC Program Involvement: LLO - the Large Lakes Observatory at the University of Minnesota, Duluth LiMNology - the University's educational initiative in limnology QP - the University's Quaternary Paleoecology graduate minor program WRS - the ...lrc.geo.umn.edu/index.html
- Institute for Rock Magnetism University of Minnesota What is the IRM Where is the IRM Rock Magnetic Bestiary People Equipment Visiting IRM IRM Quarterly Reference list The RAC Links IRM NEWS June, 2002 The newest issue of the IRM Quarterly is online You can download a .pdf version of the Spring 2002 issue of the IRM Quarterly and get a jump on it before it hits your mailbox. With a feature ...www.geo.umn.edu/orgs/irm/irm.html