- Texts (3)
- The most complete library of Marxism with content in over 20 languages and the works of over 300 authors readily accesible by archive, sujbect, or history.www.marxists.org
- www.marxists.org/archive/marx/index.htm
- In Defence of Marxism ...www.marxist.com
- Links and resources relating to Marxism.www.anu.edu.au/polsci/marx/marx.html
- from Carnegie Mellon's online collections in the arts and humanities.eserver.org/marx
- Collection of links and online resources relating to Marxism.www.hydra.umn.edu/derrida/marx.html
- An annotated web guide containing links to the major works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels as well as other Marxist resources. Prepared by Derek Stanovsky for his courses, Marx for Beginners and Marx's Capital, taught at Appalachian State University for Watauga College and the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies.www.appstate.edu/~stanovskydj/marxfiles.html