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- List of printed and on-line translations of Aquinas into English, arranged by type of work, with an explanation of abbreviations used in referring to his works and with suggestions for learning Latin.www.home.duq.edu/~bonin/thomasbibliography.html
- Jacques Maritain Center St. Thomas Aquinas and Medieval Philosophy By D.J. Kennedy, O.P. The Encyclopedia Press, Inc. 23 East Forty-First Street New York 1919 Chapter I: The Rise of Scholasticism -- St. Anselm (1034-1109) Scholasticism. What Scholasticism is not. What is Philosophy Periods in History of Philosophy. Saint Anselm. Arguments to Prove the Existence of God. Disputes about Universals.www.nd.edu/Departments/Maritain/etext/staamp0.htm