- John Searle's book The Rediscovery of the Mind may be purchased from Amazon.Com Searle on the Brink Selmer Bringsjord Department of Philosophy, Psychology and Cognitive Science Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, NY 12180. USA selmer@rpi.edu Copyright (c) Selmer Bringsjord 1994 PSYCHE, 1(5), August 1994 http://psyche.cs.monash.edu.au/v2/psyche-1-5-bringsjord.html Keywords: cognitive science, ...psyche.cs.monash.edu.au/v1/psyche-1-05-bringsjord.html
- The Chinese Room Argument The Chinese room argument - John Searle's (1980a) thought experiment and associated (1984) derivation - is one of the best known and widely credited counters to claims of artificial intelligence (AI), i.e., to claims that computers do or at least can (someday might) think. According to Searle's original presentation, the argument is based on two truths: brains cause ...www.utm.edu/research/iep/c/chineser.htm
- Lois Shawver's groundbreaking book on Straight People, Gay People, and Sexuality in the U.S. Military.california.com