- The Atomic Archive explores the complex history surrounding the invention of the atomic bomb - a crucial turning point for all mankind. Follow a timeline that takes you down the path of our nuclear past, from the 1920s to the present. Read biographies of A-bomb father Robert Oppenheimer and Enrico Fermi's dispassionate account of the Trinity Test. Examine maps of the damage to Hiroshima and ...www.atomicarchive.com/Photos/LANL/index.shtml
- Bibliography of information about nuclear testing ...www.history.navy.mil/faqs/faq4-1.htm
- Nuclear Testing Images 16 Known Cold War Crises Nuclear Testing Statistics Bureau of Atomic Tourism Nuclear Explosion Database FAS: Nuclear Forces Guide Trinity Test Alamagordo, New Mexico - 16 July 1945 - 5:30 AM Return to the Bat Guano Aviation Links ...www.batguano.com/nuclear/nucgallery.html