- Web Credits THE FILM & MORE | SPECIAL FEATURE | TIMELINE | MAPS PEOPLE & EVENTS | TEACHER'S GUIDE THE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE | KIDS | SEARCH | FEEDBACK WGBH | PBS Online New content 1999 PBS/WGBH. This Web site was produced for PBS Online by WGBH. Web site 1998 WGBH Educational Foundation. ...www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/dustbowl
- The Dust Bowl The Dust Bowl of the 1930s lasted about a decade. Its primary area of impact was on the southern Plains. The northern Plains were not so badly effected, but nonetheless, the drought, windblown dust and agricultural decline were no strangers to the north. In fact the agricultural devastation helped to lengthen the Depression whose effects were felt worldwide. The movement of people ...www.usd.edu/anth/epa/dust.html