A citizens' resource for designing the future of health care.
Medical Record Privacy Latest News | Medical Privacy Law and Policy | Documents | Consumer Advice to Safeguard Your Medical Records | Resources | Previous News Whatsoever things I see or hear concerning the life of men, in my attentance on the sick or even apart therefrom, which ought not be noised abroad, I will keep silence thereon, counting such things to be as sacred secrets. - Oath of ...
The Health Law Resource, a resource for health care practitioners, lawyers, professionals or anyone interested in learning more about the dynamic field of health care law, and more specifically, the regulatory and transactional aspects of health care legal practice.
Personal Privacy and Access to Medical Databases Introduction: What are Medical Databases With the rapid advances in the computerization of medical data, the question of the protection of medical records privacy has begun to arise. Storing a large amount of sensitive information in a central location (databases) could open the door to invasion of privacy issues that were not as common as with ...
Privacy Some Current Privacy Disputes Children's Privacy The Child Online Protection Act (COPA) EPIC's COPA Litigation Page. June 22, 2000. Decision of the US Court of Appeals, Third Circuit striking down COPA. June 22, 2000. ACLU statement on COPA. The Childrens' Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA). KidsPrivacy.org: A Parent's Guide to Online Privacy. US/ EU Settlement on Safe Harbor ...
Story by Arthur Allen Photos by Michael Llewellyn The Washington Post Sunday, Feb. 8, 1998 As in so many other areas of American life, in the digital age, medical privacy is a tradition under assault. EXPOSED Computer technology, managed health care and genetic science are all undermining the American tradition of medical privacy, in the name of progress. What can -- or should -- we do about it
Confidentiality and Medical Records Privacy Resources Join the Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign! American Civil Liberties Union New York Public Health Law Sec. 2782 concerning HIV confidentiality is available via the NYS Senate gopher A number of new Web sites focus on the issues of patient confidentiality and medical record privacy (particularly electronic records). The Electronic ...