- K-12@ (3)
- On high school campuses across the country, there are students concerned with what is happening around them; students who are interested in politics and government, foreign affairs, the law, and education. The Junior State of America (JSA) was created by and for these students. JSA's purpose is to teach high school students about government, to encourage critical thinking, and to help develop students' leadership, debate, and public speaking skills. JSA is a chance to meet and make friends with scorewww.jsa.org
- The Marine Science Institute home page details education and monitoring programs conducted by the Institute on and around San Francisco Bay ...www.sfbaymsi.org
- Redwood City Project READ is a four-time award-winning organization committed to providing literacy training for adults, adolescents, children, and families throughout our diverse community.www.projectread-redwoodcty.org
- www.epak.org
- Information for and about the East Palo Alto Tennis and Tutoring Program ...www.stanford.edu/group/EPATT
- mpaef.org