- EPISODES INTERVIEWS FAN FICTION MODELS MERCHANDISE FORUM GUESTBOOK TOY SEARCHES: THUNDERBIRDS GENERAL STINGRAY SPACE:1999 COMPETITION SURVEY LINKS CONTACT US I can no longer respond to e-mails about rare Thunderbirds toys as I have no more information to give than what is on the Toy Search page. - Disclaimer - Thunderbirds and all related elements are Carlton International Media Limited. This ...www.thunderbirdsonline.co.uk
- Various stuff from the Gerry Anderson TV series Pictures are submitted by Jimmy Aitken (jimmy@pyra.co.uk) Thunderbirds is one of my absolute favourites when it comes to TV series. It's a puppet-animation, with lots of pyro-tec involved. There is a lot of detail in the work, and as an engineer I'm really amused by some of the solutions to technical problems. The series has gained cult status, and ...www.ludd.luth.se/~kavli/Tbirds.html