- Oscar Stroede , Pastor. gbcoscar@wcnet.org We are located near the BGSU campus, at: 121 South Enterprise, Bowling Green, OH 43402 (419) 352-6635 We are affliated with GraceBrethren Churches Worldwide The Beliefs of the Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches The People who attend Grace. The regular Meetings and activities of Grace. The International Fellowshipof Grace The BG GBC Bulletin Board V.A.www.wcnet.org/~bggbc
- OUR MISSION The mission of the church is it's overriding purpose for existence regardless of the era, time, or place. It has remained constant since Christ established it. Our mission at Oak Bend church is: To proclaim Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord and to disciple everyone toward maturity in Him. --a school of discipleship where we can grow spiritually, --a lighthouse of truth in the ...www.oakbend.org