- A competition and exhibition jump rope team ...www.jumpingforjoy.org
- Everything about this awsome Sport ...www.erso.org
- Info-Skip Canada promoting the joy of rope skipping across Canada and the world, Canada's First and only undated ( Jump Rope ) Rope Skipping Web Site, Information for all ages, skip across the country with us ...www.jumprope.ca
- Coaches: Helen Sealey Edgar Dohmann: edohmann@ortech-engr.com Our Mission The Alvin Jumperoos organization is a non-profit amateur athletic organization consisting of student jumpers, parent volunteers, and the directors. The goal of the organization is to teach and develop jump rope skills, encourage scholastic ability, promote teamwork, and build self-confidence. We offer quality instruction, ...www.ortech-engr.com/jumprope/Jumperoos.html