- Bluestem welcomes you to our page. Who are these guys What have they done Where are they gona be Do they have really neat western wear Check out our New CD For booking information call: Marvin Pine at 785-841-8430 Email: mpine@sunflower.com Send us a note at: bluestem@sunflower.com Check out these sites! wvfest.com , santafetrails.org, and http://www.bluegrassworld.com ...www.sunflower.com/~bluestem
- UPTOWN MANDOLIN QUARTET A Unique Sound in Chamber Music Renaissance to Contemporary The Uptown Mandolin Quartet of Lawrence, Kansas, has a twenty year tradition of performing classical music on mandolin family instruments. The quartet seeks out music from all periods that will enhance the unique sound quality of the mandolin. Some standard string quartet literature is used, but often pieces are ...www.mandolincafe.com/uptownmq.html