- My name is Hudson. I am a musical artist that believes music is one of the most powerful methods of communication available to the human population. Music evokes emotion with or without language. Music commands things that were forgotten over time to return. Music baptizes events in our lives and allows the passage of one dimension to another when mourning and grief are bestowed upon us. In ...www.hudsonsings.com
- Ghost of Tom Who Tour Upcoming CD E-Mail IG Records Welcome to the Ghost of Tom Website! John Megan Dave who are these people CLUB OWNERS ENTER HERE Join the Ghost of Tom mailing list. HOT ORIGINAL MUSIC Utne Reader IG Records recording artist Ghost of Tom is mix between the Filmore West and a case of Silly Putty. Their unique sound is an ecclectic blend of rock, blues, folk, jazz and funk.members.tripod.com/ghostoftom
- Well, the band is getting better, yet angelfire has gotten worst...so, we must be departing from angelfire.com, and set sights for a place we may call home..some where that CAN SHOW THE BACKGROUNDS, AND RETURN MY E-MAIL UNLIKE JABRONI-FIRE.COM...we've put our ad and our links on everything out there in the web, so if you're looking for us, we're at http://www.nav.to/PreSkewl...if this isn't a ...www.angelfire.com/md/PreSkewled