- Welcome to Auburn Elementary! Where tomorrow's seeds are planted. 445 North 5th St. Auburn, Illinois U.S.A. 62615 Auburn Elementary School is located in Auburn, Illinois a small community of 4, 400 people approximately 15 miles south of Springfield. Our enrollment is almost 500 in grades Pre- kindergarten through four. Auburn Elementary School Mission The mission of Auburn Elementary School is to ...sangamon.k12.il.us/auburn
- Rochester Middle School 456 Education Avenue Rochester, IL 62563 Phone: 217-498-6215 Building Description: Fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students, each in their own wing, with bathrooms and individual lockers, are located in the Middle School, which was constructed in 2000. There are a total of twenty-four classrooms, a computer lab with 26 iMac computers, a music room, band room, library-media ...