Tokyo Friends - Find Japanese pen pals and pen pals from around the world. Tokyo Friends also hold monthly events in Tokyo and NYC.
Japanese pen pals, pen pal, pen pals, Japan, japan, pen pals, pen pal, internet friends, make friends overseas, penpals, Kids Park Japan helps you to find pen pals of Japanese kids and correspond with them in English. It is dedicated to offering children a fun and interesting learning place on the internet to meet other children from around the world and exchange information.
Welcome to our home page. Hi there! We are the Japan Pen Pal Association. Wouldn't it be fun to have a Japanese pen friend We are delighted to introduce Japanese school kids who are longing to make friends with young people from overseas. They are all so anxious to learn about your country. Our service is FREE OF CHARGE! Interested Okay. At First, please read an attention document. If you are ...
Find pen pals or chat pals from Japan and ask them about Japanese language, culture, lifestyle, J-anime, J-pop etc. Chat, bbs, forum, data base, mailing lists to seek pen pals or to study Japan are available.