- Ecology@ (1)
- Genetics (1)
- Mycology
- Paleontology@
- Zoology (8)
- Japanese version is here Large-scale DNA sequencing projects have been in operation consecutively in Kazusa DNA Research Institute (KDRI). As fruits of these projects, fundamental information on the structure and function of genes has been accumulated and is available to the public. This Institute was founded in 1991, and has been financially supported by the Chiba Prefectural Government. C A U ...www.kazusa.or.jp/en
- BR2p$7$^$9!# (J $B@$3&$N8$ (J $B%8%c%Q%s%1%M%k%/%i%V$KEPO $5$l$F$$$k@$3&$N8$ R2p$7$^$9!# (J $BF|K\$N8$ (J $B%8%c%Q%s%1%M%k%/%i%V$, 2CLA$7$F$$$k9q:]C\8$O LA (J(FCI) $B$, 8xG'$7$F$$$kF|K\86;:8$ R2p$7$^$9!# (J $B%$%Y%s%H$N$*CN$i$; (J $B%8%c%Q%s%1%M%k%/%i%V$G9T$o$l$F$$$k3F e0L$KF~ ...www.jkc.or.jp