- Outdoor ice skating in California Winter Lodge is a popular Palo Alto tradition established in 1956! Winter Lodge and its renowned skating school are open October through mid-April. Parties big and small are also available. Come enjoy skating under the stars, then warm your toes by our fireplace in the clubhouse! Upcoming events: LAST DAY OF SKATING...Sunday, April 14th! Look for 2002-03 Season ...winterlodge.com
- Iceoasis.com -- Peninsula's Coolest Place to Ice Skate ...www.iceoasis.com
- Welcome to the Peninsula Skating Club Website! PSC Summer Swim Party... Saturday, June 29... details soon! 2002 General Membership Meeting The annual PSC membership meeting was held May 23 at Logitech Ice in San Jose. Thank you to Jean Baldo for setting up the wonderful refreshments, and to all those club members who attended. The membership voted on next years board of directors, and next ...www.peninsulaskatingclub.org