- MHVF is an independent, moderated discussion forum concerning film and home video. Our moderators and participants are some of the most passionate enthusiasts you'll find anywhere on the Internet! Mobius message boards contain a rich assortment of interesting, eclectic discussions spanning a variety of genres, all conducted in an environment of respect and tolerance. Please join us -- everyone ...www.mhvf.net
- A site that allows users to express their feelings about the latest movies in Hollywood. Now the film-goer has a voice. Now we can be heard. Never get ripped off by the hype again. Vent your anger and read what others think.www.hollywoodbitchslap.com
- The Projector Booth is a participatory film-oriented web site for people with a critical mind and a lot of attitude.www.projectorbooth.com
- Objectivist interpretations of movies ...obmov.8m.com