- www.ods.cz
- Kalenda akci 12.06.2002 17:00 Jizda ODvAhy v Praze Praha, Vaclavske nam. 13.06.2002 Jizda ODvAhy v Olomouci Olomouc, Horni nam sti Dal i akce anketka Nejv t i pr vihy sou asne vlady: Nakup stiha ek GRIPEN 34.7% Causa IPB 21.5% Nar st korupce 18% Plo ne p idavky 25.6% Celkem odpov di 1479 Hlasujte kliknutim na odpov created by: V SMS REFERENDU ODA VIT ZI ODPURCI STIHA EK 12. ervna 2002 ODA p ed ...www.oda.cz
- www.cssd.cz
- Czech Political Culture in the 1990s In this brief talk, I would like to deal with two topics. Firstly; what is the current state of Czech civilisation and Czech political culture How might these differ from these political cultures and civilisations which prevail in the West, particularly in Great Britain Secondly, has Czech literature ever reflected on these differences, endeavouring to come ...www2.arts.gla.ac.uk/Slavonic/staff/Czech_politics.html