Specializing in the treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), OC Spectrum Disorders, phobias, and related anxiety disorders.
Center for the Promotion of Intimacy: Pursue personal happiness with more satisfying relationships, healing oneself from depression and despair, rigidity and addiction. Explore money, coupling, power, trust, marriage and romance myths preventing deeper levels of intimacy in your life.
Patricia A. Ziegler, R.N.C.S., Psy.D. Lic. #163066 WELCOME TO DR PAT'S Allow me to introduce myself: my name is Dr. Patricia Ziegler, Licensed Psychotherapist and Psychiatric Clinical Nurse Specialist. AtDrPats.com is a place where you can find information on some of the major issues that many of us face in our everyday lives. Please look around! I have been in private practice since graduating ...
That provides survivors of homicide, neglect and other traumas, a way to resolve unpardonable injuries and move gracefully through the grief of their losses. Articles, seminars, lectures, tapes and text ...
Susan Gittleman Davies is an experienced, licensed grief therapist. Compassionate and caring, she provides individual and group therapy. She will help you cope with your grief from the moment of crisis until you recover.
Kenneth E. Nighman, MA, MFCC provides psychotherapy and counseling services in Beverly Hills and Adjacent areas.