President Hosny Mubarak was born in Al-Menoufiyah governorate, located in the heart of Egypt, in the Delta area. Upon his completion of high school, Mr. Mubarak joined the Egyptian Military Academy, where he received his Bachelor Degree in Military Sciences. In 1950, Mr. Mubarak joined the Air Force Academy and earned his Bachelor in Aviation Sciences. Since then he has held many command ...
NEWSMAKER: EGYPT'S HOSNI MUBARAK JULY 30, 1996 TRANSCRIPT In between meetings in Washington, Egypt's President talks to the NewsHour about his first, very straight forward session recently with Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu, his thoughts on terrorism, and UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali. March 13, 1996: NewsHour Coverage of the Middle East Peace Summit in Egypt May 30, 1996: Benjamin ...
READER ADS: Tourist guide requires work | PUT YOUR AD HERE - FREE Click to open Encyclopaedia of the Orient on its front page Hosni Mubarak Arabic: husniy muhammadi mubarak (Kafru l-Musilha, Egypt 1928- ) Egyptian president (1981- ) and military leader. Mubarak was born into a higher middle class family, and his education was military, from both Egypt (National Military Academy and Air Force ...